Wednesday 31 December 2014

Happy New Year

First of all: Happy New Year everyone!  I hope you've all had a wonderful night and are prepared for a wonderful day tomorrow...  Or prepared for those hangovers from hell which is more likely!
As predicted, I stayed home for New Years Eve [by choice] my mum's been nursed on the couch as she's ill, my dad's been working his arse off all night, as usual, and my brother has been preparing himself to stumble back through the door at 5am for probably the past 5 hours.
I'm quite glad that 2014's over, I feel like I can forget events and people that brought me down in the past year and start a fresh. [How generic did that sound.]  Not the whole 'New Year, new me' because lets be honest; a tiger can't change it's stripes.  Or is the saying a Leopard can't change it's spots?  Both sound applicable.
So, this year is the first year that I'll ever make New Years resolutions [that will probably last a day and a half.]  However, I don't want to make resolutions like: I will cut back on chocolate.  Partly because I love chocolate and nothing will ever come between the love that me and Terry's Chocolate Orange have going on right now...  I want New Years resolutions that will be benefit me in the long run.
Let's see how many of these I can keep:

  1. Save money:  I want to be more independent this year as I'm coming up to 18.  I have a lot of things that I need to begin saving for, such as a car, car insurance and a Uni fund.  But also things I want to experience such as festivals and a holiday with my friends or my boyfriend.  So hopefully, I'll stick to this and stop buying that extra shade of Mac lipstick that's practically identical to the one in my bag but it has a 'frost finish' instead of a 'matte finish'.  [Guilty.]
  2. Be more organised:  This is a broad resolution, but I feel that it's needed.  I want to start making check lists and being tidier around the house as I always lose everything.  I want to get work in on time for deadlines and also keep up with work, because the more I think about it, the sooner I get it done the less stressed I'm going to be and the easier I'm going to find my exams.  So organisation is definitely on the list. 
  3. Be happier:  This is another broad resolution, but I need to remind myself that I should do things to make me happy.  Last year, a lot went on in my life that made me severely unhappy.  But now that I've got my head together I want to remind myself that you only get one life and you're living it for yourself [fuck you Edwina.] 
I'll write a few more tomorrow but I'm pretty tired right now and my boyfriends coming around tomorrow morning so I hopefully wont be asleep and drooling onto my pillow by the time he arrives...

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